SDI LaFarga Copperworks
2018 Associated Churches Food Drive
Two weeks, 73 employees, and 26,382 pounds of food all for one great cause. The third annual employee food drive hosted by SDI LaFarga continued to shatter records from years past. What started as friendly competition, with the plant divided into teams, turned into a...
SDI LaFarga Breaks 2016 Food Drive Record
SDI LaFarga recently hosted its second food drive to support Associated Churches of Fort Wayne and Allen County. Employees were challenged to beat the record-setting 13,716 cans collected in 2016, and they were up to the challenge. Employees were divided into seven...
Exceeding expectations, meeting urgent needs
How 10 items grew to 10 pallets SDI La Farga employees hosted a food drive after hearing of a great need in the community. Employees were challenged to bring in 10 canned food items each to donate to the Associated Churches. Anyone who knows our company culture...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Three Key Benefits of Green Copper
As the only recycled copper rod company in North America, SDI La Farga is committed to responsibly maintaining the earth’s resources. By choosing recycled, or green copper, SDI La Farga reduces their carbon footprint by reducing the amount of waste and pollution,...
Recycled Copper vs. New Copper: What’s the Difference?
At SDI La Farga, our goal is to provide quality copper products at a lower cost by offering recycled copper that maintains its purity, durability and cost savings while protecting the planet. So why choose recycled copper over new copper? The answer might surprise...
Impacting our Planet through SDI La Farga’s Recycled Copper
SDI La Farga is working hard to protect the planet and its precious resources by recycling copper products while lessening our carbon footprint and impact on the earth. When you choose SDI La Farga’s recycled copper, you are selecting a recycled product that saves...
Recycled Copper: The Responsible Choice for Our Planet
At SDI La Farga, our desire is to protect the earth’s resources by producing recycled copper products made in an environmentally responsible way. Protecting our Limited Resources Because copper is a finite resource, we want to do all we can to protect our earth’s...
Discover how we can make copper work for you.
Contact our team of experts to discuss your copper rod needs and how we can help you gain efficiencies and meet your goals.